Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bombers Baseball 2009

Friday night was the kickoff party for the Ponca City Bombers baseball team. We have this party each year to discuss the upcoming season and to have some fun. Some of the games the boys (and Dad's) played were the frozen t-shirt game where each kid gets a frozen t-shirt and whoever figures out how to get it on the fastest wins a prize. Can you tell they are all pretty cold in their t-shirts once they finally got them on. Danny got to participate in the Cheetos head game. Each guy had to put on a shower cap and then you put shaving cream all over their head and the kids are put into teams and they throw Cheetos at their heads. Whoever gets the most Cheetos stuck on their persons head wins. Danny's team stuck 121 Cheetos to his head and won the game.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

WOW! These boys are growing so fast! And, who knew, Danny looks FANTASTIC in a white cap!

Williams Family

Williams Family