Sunday, September 7, 2008

Go Huskers!

We surprised the boys with a trip to Nebraska this weekend to watch the Nebraska vs. San Jose State game. We woke the boys up on Friday morning and instead of going to school we left for Nebraska. We stayed downtown at a hotel a couple of blocks away from the stadium and walked around downtown and did some Husker's shopping. It was a beautiful day for a football game and we were only rained on for a couple of minutes. I just had to stop and take some pictures of the HUGE sunflower field that we drove past. They were amazing! Oh and about that sling Matthew is wearing, we thought he may have broken his arm skateboarding the night before we were to leave for Nebraska so we spent some time at the ER where they x-rayed his elbow and found nothing broken just bruised or as Mason likes to say "a contusion" which is the word the doc used. He is still a little sore but doing much better. The skateboard has taken a vacation. 


Mimi said...

Great pictures! Especially the ones of all of you...and, the sunflowers are really pretty. I hope that skateboard finds its way into the TRASH! They are too dangerous and I don't want Matthew or Mason having damage they have to live with for the rest of their lives...okay, sorry, I'll get off my soapbox! Love you all!

Christy Murphy said...

Looks like so much fun!! The pictures are great too! The sunflowers are just beautiful. Wow!!

Williams Family

Williams Family