Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Williams Family Update

Hi All. Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. We have been busier than ever! I started a new job a couple of weeks ago, the boys both started fall baseball and Matthew is getting ready to start taking pitching lessons from a pitching coach in Stillwater. Of course both boys still have school and homework and all of that good stuff.

I knew that I would go back to work this year since Mason was starting Kindergarten but I never thought it would be this soon. The job pretty much fell in my lap. I am working as the staff assistant to Human Resources for the junior college in a nearby town. I went over to interview for a different position and ended up with a better one.The drive is not bad it's just the getting everyone up and around in the morning and dropped off at their schools and then getting to work by 8. I have not worked full-time since before I had Mason and it is defenitely an adjustment. Lets just say my house is one big disaster and if everyone has something to wear the next day then I consider us doing good. As I am typing this my husband is in the laundry room getting those "next day" clothes ready for tomorrow. :)

Mason had his first baseball game tonight and it was so much fun to watch. They do not have an 6 and under league for fall baseball so he is playing in the 8 and under league. Needless to say he is the smallest one but let me tell you something, he can hang with any of those other older boys. He got a triple and a single tonight and playing the position of pitcher (he didn't pitch but he stands there to field the ball). He had a great time and can't wait until next game.

Matthew had his first baseball game last night and their team did really well even though we did not win. Matthew did some pitching, played some first base and also caught some. Baseball is his sport - there is no doubt about that.

We had some bad news Sunday. Our friends Kyle and Nikki Hibbets were in a horrible motorcycle accident and are both in critical condition in Tulsa. They were hit almost head on by a car that had been rear-ended and were both thrown over 100 feet. Nikki had to have the part of her leg below her knee amputated and has many other broken bones and lacerations. They have Kyle in a drug-induced coma due to swelling of his brain and he may have to have his foot amputated. We received an update earlier today and they both seem to be doing a little better. It will be a long road ahead for them and we would just ask that everyone keep them in your prayers. They have two sons, Hayden and Carter and one daughter Kylee.

I think that is about it. I hope everyone is doing well and I will try and get some new pictures up soon.

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Williams Family

Williams Family